Tag: Causing

Russian Shaheds hit Kharkiv, causing fire

On the evening of 30 January, the Air Force reported that Russian Shaheds were spotted near the city of Kharkiv. Later, the authorities reported a strike in the city. Source: Ukraine’s Air Force; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration; Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov; Suspilne Details: Later, Syniehubov reported on explosions in the city […]

Earth’s Forces Are Causing This Massive Plate to Split in Two

For decades scientists have been trying to understand the geologic forces driving the creation of the Himalayas, the worlds tallest mountain chain. A new study from an international team of scientist argues that a part of the Indian Plate, which has formed the mountains by crashing into the Eurasian Plate, is actually splitting apart in […]

4 takeaways about Durham Public Schools paycheck issues causing chaos

As another week starts in Durham Public Schools, the Board of Education met in private in a downtown board room to discuss paycheck problems that derailed school activities last week. Many classified staff — including bus mechanics, physical therapists, cafeteria workers and groundskeepers — skipped work last week, plunged into a financial panic over whether […]

Bird Flu Is Still Causing Havoc. Here’s the Latest.

Over the past three years, a highly contagious, often deadly form of bird flu has taken a staggering toll on animals around the globe. The virus, known as H5N1, has infected birds in more than 80 countries. It has infiltrated big commercial poultry farms and tiny backyard henhouses, affecting 72 million farmed birds in the […]