Tag: zooms

Jet suit paramedic zooms to rescue drill in Romania

STORY: ::May 20, 2024 A paramedic zooms to a mountain rescue in Romania using a jet suit ::Rimetea, Romania The flight to the mock casualty took two minutes, when the hike would take 2.5 hours The demonstration in the Trascaului Mountains in Transylvania saw the jet suit developer Gravity Industries’ founder and CEO Richard Browning […]

Video shows asteroid burning up as it zooms through skies over Germany

A small asteroid entered Earth’s atmosphere and burned up early Sunday morning as it hurled through the skies above eastern Germany. Videos shared on social media throughout the day showed the glowing object’s descent over Europe, shortly after the Hungarian researcher and self-described “asteroid hunter” Krisztián Sárneczky spotted it from an observatory in Hungary. Sárneczky […]

Hubble Space Telescope zooms in on member of galactic quartet (image)

A member of a galactic quartet steals the show in a stunning new image from the Hubble Space Telescope. The irregular galaxy, NGC 2814, takes center stage in the new Hubble view, which excludes its three nearby companion galaxies. Together, the four neighboring galaxies comprise a galactic group named Holmberg 124. “The galaxy appears to […]