Tag: Xers

Gen Xers who began their financial independence journeys in their 40s and 50s explain how they’re on pace to meet their early retirement goals

Bill Yount and Jackie Cummings Koski both were late starters in the financial independence movement.Bill Yount BI spoke to three late starters in the financial independence movement. They started to save and invest in their 40s and 50s and set themselves up for early retirement. Their strategies range from safe investments to living minimally to […]

Gen Xers are nearing retirement. About half say they need a miracle.

The oldest members of Generation X are turning 59 1/2 this month, the earliest age when workers can start withdrawing retirement assets without a penalty. But many Gen Xers are far from prepared for their golden years, with almost half saying it would take a “miracle” for them to be able to retire, according to […]

Gen Xers expect to keep working longer than they planned–and will be the first generation to go into retirement with less financial security than their parents and grandparents

Retirement in America is undergoing a generational change that needs to be acknowledged. As baby boomers age out of the workforce, many continue to be sustained by traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plans. The next cohort, Generation X, will face new and difficult challenges–and many are not ready. I know, because I am also a […]