Tag: wire

Supreme Court allows border agents to remove razor wire in Texas

Federal border patrol agents may remove razor wire installed by Texas along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Monday — a major victory for the Biden administration in an ongoing immigration policy dispute with the state’s Republican governor, Greg Abbott. The terse, one-page order followed a DOJ filing on Jan. 12 that alleged […]

Space rescue! Watch a satellite being saved from a wire snag (video)

A satellite got all tangled up last year after its launch into space. Engineers had to quickly pivot after the California Institute of Technology’s Space Solar Power Demonstrator (SSPD-1) got stuck during what was supposed to be a slow unfurling of a modular spacecraft experiment: The Deployable On-Orbit Ultralight Composite Experiment, or DOLCE. A new […]

Gaza couple marry in tent city by barbed wire border fence

By Mohammad Salem RAFAH, Gaza (Reuters) – Palestinian groom Mohammed al-Ghandour wanted to give his bride a beautiful wedding but after war began in Gaza they had to flee their homes and the couple finally got married this week in the tent city where they now live. Ghandour led his wife Shahad by the hand […]

White House wants Texas border agents to be allowed to remove razor wire

TEXAS – The Biden administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday to step in and allow Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire the state of Texas has placed along a 29-mile stretch of the Rio Grande River. The emergency application from the Justice Department says the wire has “serious on-the-ground consequences…” for Border Patrol […]

Court blocks US government destruction of Texas border razor wire fencing

By Daniel Wiessner (Reuters) -A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday temporarily blocked the administration of President Joe Biden from destroying razor wire fencing that Texas placed along its border with Mexico to deter illegal border crossings. The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a judge was wrong to rule that the U.S. […]