Tag: weights

Should you wear wrist weights while you walk?

Walking is great for your physical and mental health, but should you level up your daily stroll? There are weighted vests and rucking, which help with core strength and have cardiovascular benefits. Yet another add-on is wrist weights, the most popular being influencer-favorite Bala Bangles. Here’s what to know about the benefits of weighted bracelets […]

Fly population can severely impact calf and heifer weights if not managed property

The increase in temperatures brings with it an increase in flies. Flies, if left unmanaged, can present a significant challenge to the welfare and production of all our livestock species. Fly control is not a one-and-done treatment strategy. They require season long management, that may require a variety of approaches to seasonally address. The three main types of […]

Personal trainer recommends these 6 moves to build a stronger core and improve your posture without weights

Strengthening your core — the muscles around your stomach that include the six-pack abs muscle — helps boost your balance, improve your posture, and makes everyday tasks like walking and lifting easier. But you don’t need to do endless sit-ups to see results — you can use this personal trainer’s six-move bodyweight workout instead. You don’t need any equipment, although it can help to roll out a […]