Tag: Weakened

Will never allow Europe to be weakened

In the face of major crises as well as threats from Russia and extremists, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has made an urgent plea for a strong and united Europe. “The European Union cannot be taken for granted,” she said on Friday evening at the closing rally for the German conservative CDU/CSU bloc […]

India PM Modi’s on-off ally holds key to his weakened third term

By Rishika Sadam HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) – A former member of the opposition Congress and an on-and-off ally of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could decide the shape and stability of the next government after a vote count on Tuesday returned a fractured verdict. Chandrababu Naidu, whose party has the second highest number of parliamentary […]

Japanese-European spacecraft bound for Mercury weakened by thruster glitch

The BepiColombo spacecraft, operated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), could be feeling the heat even before it reaches its destination: Mercury. Thanks to a glitch, the spacecraft’s thrusters are no longer operating at full power. The team has yet to determine how this will impact upcoming maneuvers, like […]