Tag: walked

A man opened a plane’s emergency exit and walked onto its wing after his flight was delayed on the tarmac for 4 hours. His fellow passengers are now defending him: ‘He saved our lives’

An Aeromexico passenger opened a plane’s emergency exit and walked onto the wing on Thursday. At least 77 plane passengers defended the man’s actions with a handwritten signed statement. Passengers said the flight was delayed four hours, endangering their health. An Aeromexico passenger opened a plane’s emergency exit and walked onto the wing, but his […]

‘I walked my kids past explosions and rotting corpses’

After weeks of Israeli bombing, on 16 November Jehad El-Mashhrawi and his young family fled their home in northern Gaza. The BBC Arabic cameraman shares a vivid and shocking account of what he, his wife and children experienced as they headed south. Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions which may be distressing We left in […]