Tag: vote

$56.6B budget headed for full vote in Legislature

New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton (Dana DiFilippo | New Jersey Monitor) Budget committees in both chambers of the Legislature approved a $56.6 billion spending bill in late-night votes that fell along party lines Wednesday, setting the stage for final budget votes Friday. The spending bill will maintain a full payment toward the state’s pension obligations […]

Joe Manchin Signals He’ll Vote For Biden In November

Sen. Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) has signaled he will vote for Joe Biden in November’s election, despite leaving the Democratic Party to register as an independent, as he ruled out backing Donald Trump at the ballot box. Last November, the West Virginia senator announced he would quit the party and not seek a third term in […]

House committee to vote on holding Biden’s ghostwriter in contempt

WASHINGTON — The House Judiciary Committee plans to vote this week on a measure to hold President Joe Biden’s ghostwriter in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over documents and other materials tied to his work on the president’s memoirs. The vote on the resolution targeting writer Mark Zwonitzer is scheduled for Thursday morning, […]

UN to Deploy Electoral Monitors to Venezuela Presidential Vote

(Bloomberg) — The United Nations said it will deploy a team of four experts to monitor Venezuela’s elections days after the opposition declined to sign a deal to recognize the presidential vote’s results. Most Read from Bloomberg The UN’s team will independently produce a confidential report for the Secretary General, which will include recommendations for […]

AFL-CIO members vote to endorse Democrat Stanley Campbell in U.S. Senate race

Other than former congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Democrats running for U.S. Senate against Rick Scott have been relatively low-key in a race to be determined in less than two months. One of Mucarsel-Powell’s opponents, though, hopes that will change with his announcement of a key endorsement. Stanley Campbell, a Palm City businessman, has landed the state […]

Voting matters, so vote for the GOP if you want these specific things

Some moderates think the presidential candidates are too extreme. And some people don’t want to vote for either elderly candidate. Some don’t think it matters who they vote for. It matters greatly. Vote Republican if you want:Authoritarian government instead of a democracy.To get out of the Paris Climate agreement.Tax subsidies for fossil fuel companies.Tax cuts […]