Tag: virus

Pasteurization may not clear bird flu virus from heavily infected milk

By Nancy Lapid (Reuters) – In raw milk samples spiked with high amounts of bird flu virus, small amounts of infectious virus were still detectable after treatment with a standard pasteurization method, researchers said on Friday. The findings reflect experimental conditions in a laboratory and should not be used to draw any conclusions about the […]

Mosquitoes With West Nile Virus Surround Las Vegas

An Aedes aegypti mosquito sucks blood from a person in La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, on March 26, 2024. Credit – Luis Robayo—AFP/Getty Images Some people may want to put their summer vacation plans to the Las Vegas area on hold, after health officials reported that Southern Nevada is experiencing the highest level of […]

GOP gets scalps in COVID probe, but origin of virus still a mystery

The GOP-controlled subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic appears to be swaying the Biden administration with its exhaustive examinations targeting groups and individuals with links to the unproven COVID-19 lab leak theory. In the past month, the subcommittee has heard testimony from EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak and Lawrence Tabak, principal deputy director of the National […]

Raw milk containing bird flu virus infects mice in study

(Reuters) – Feeding raw milk contaminated with bird flu to mice infected them with the virus, adding to evidence that consumption of unpasteurized milk is not safe for humans, according to a study published on Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine. Bird flu has caused serious or fatal infections globally among people in […]

What are the symptoms and treatments for the deadly virus hepatitis?

A landmark inquiry investigating the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS is set to conclude on Monday. The Infected Blood Inquiry has laid bare the scale of the failings within the health service which left tens of thousands of people in the UK infected with deadly viruses. Between the 1970s and early […]