Tag: Viral

Nevada Judge Pummeled in Viral Attack Video Speaks About The Attack

Photo: Clark County District Court (AP) Updated as of 1/4/2024 at 10:00 a.m. ET The Nevada judge who was seen being attacked by a defendant who was extremely displeased (and that’s an understatement) with his sentencing – is back working behind the bench. Read more The staff referenced for their help included a group of […]

This Terrifying Video Of A Street “Breathing” During An Earthquake In Japan Has Gone Super Viral For Obvious Reasons

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit Japan on New Year’s Day. Str / JIJI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images At least 55 people have been killed, and the videos coming out of Japan are pretty terrifying. Twitter: @MrSinha_ One in particular from a hospital worker is going super viral: もう本当に怖すぎました。津波の被害は今のところは無く無事です。夜勤に向かう途中で地面がすごい揺れだして、目の前で割れたりして、恐怖しかなかったです。避難ができる場所もなかなか無いし、仕事に行かなくちゃで、、しばらくしてから職場に着きました。動画慌ててたけど撮った pic.twitter.com/ueidzjPWX9 — へっぽこみー🐻‍❄️無事です! (@mmmin726) January 1, 2024 […]

A Viral Pic of Donald Trump While in the Military Sure Looks Like AI

Claim: An image shared in December 2023 authentically showed former U.S. President Donald Trump while serving in the military. Rating: Rating: Fake In late December 2023, an image was circulated on social media, allegedly depicting former U.S. President Donald Trump while serving in the Army. “So grateful for Donald Trump who has led our troops […]