Tag: unvaccinated

Organ donations are available to unvaccinated Canadians

Claims spread across social media that organ transplant recipients in Canada are required to be vaccinated. This is missing context; individual medical centers set policies, with most recommending potential organ recipients maximize their protection, including via Covid-19 jabs, but several groups have lifted pandemic-era mandates. “It is now 2024 and unvaccinated Canadians still can not […]

Florida refuses to bar unvaccinated students from school suffering a measles outbreak

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Florida’s controversial surgeon general is drawing criticism for his handling of an elementary school’s measles outbreak, telling parents of unvaccinated children it is their choice whether their students attend class — a contravention of federal guidelines calling for their mandatory exclusion. Dr. Joseph Ladapo, nationally known for his outspoken skepticism […]

How should sports leagues handle unvaccinated players?

“The 360” shows you diverse perspectives on the day’s top stories and debates. What’s happening The question of how to deal with employees who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine is something that every business in the U.S. has had to answer. Professional sports leagues are no different. The issue came to a head this week […]