Tag: unpleasant

Even If Stock-Split Stock Nvidia Retains Its Competitive GPU Advantages, Its Shareholders May Be in for an Unpleasant Surprise

Roughly three decades ago, the advent of the internet changed the growth trajectory for corporate America. Since then, numerous new technologies, innovations, and next-big-thing trends have come along promising to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. However, none have come close to matching the game-changing potential that connecting the world via the internet brough […]

How to make your colonoscopy prep more effective and less unpleasant

Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the U.S. and the second leading cancer death cause worldwide. But there’s good news: It’s also one of the most preventable cancers. That’s thanks in part to colonoscopies, which is a procedure where doctors use a probe to look […]

How Jesus was nearly swept away by a wave of unpleasant tales

When Jesus was young, another boy bumped into him in the village street. Jesus cursed him – “You shall go no further on your way” – and the boy dropped dead. His parents complained about Jesus to Joseph and Mary: “Teach him to bless, and not to curse; for he slayeth our children.” This was […]

Why we don’t avoid ‘unpleasant’ stories about Ukraine

We’ve got some bad news. In fact, we’ve got plenty of bad news. As well as some good news, and a handful of regular news. As with any media publication, we cover many topics and developments, both upsetting and inspiring. But lately, we have seen a worrying trend that needs addressing. That is, people have […]