Tag: unmatched

America Is Experiencing a Solar Power Explosion Unmatched in History

In 2023, the U.S. added more solar capacity that ever before, at 32.4 gigawatts. This added capacity surpassed any other energy source in 2023, marking the first time a renewable energy source outpaced fossil fuels since World War II. The Inflation Reduction Act, along with the Biden Administration’s push for U.S. solar manufacturing, means these […]

The week Trump seized unmatched control over the GOP

RENO, Nevada — Donald Trump long ago bent the Republican Party to his will. But seldom has the sheer sweep of the former president’s dominance been laid bare more clearly than this week. In one 72-hour span, Trump led the charge to crush a painstakingly negotiated border-security deal in Congress, pushed the Republican National Committee […]