Tag: universes

Universe’s oldest known stars found in Milky Way’s ‘halo’

A team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have discovered three of the oldest stars in the universe. To their surprise, the stars were not in some far off galaxy that only the ultra-powerful James Webb Space Telescope can spot. They are in our own galactic neighborhood inside the Milky Way’s “halo,” according to a study published May 14 in the […]

James Webb Space Telescope spots 3 of our universe’s earliest galaxies

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have found what they say are three of our universe’s earliest galaxies, spotted actively forming when the cosmos was just 400 million to 600 million years old. In the JWST’s images, this galactic trio resembles fuzzy red smudges feeding on nearby helium and hydrogen.Over millions of years, it […]

‘Wiggles’ of energy waves over Earth could hold the universe’s history

By measuring how energy waves wiggle in the sky over Earth, scientists have created a way to delve into the history of our 13.8 billion-year-old universe — starting right at its “first light.” The team, led by Johns Hopkins University astrophysicists, used an array of microwave telescopes called the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) to […]