Tag: unilateral

Colombian armed group Segunda Marquetalia agrees unilateral ceasefire

BOGOTA (Reuters) – Colombian armed group the Segunda Marquetalia on Sunday agreed to a unilateral ceasefire, after several days of peace talks in Caracas, which are part of President Gustavo Petro‘s efforts to end 60 years of unrest in his country. The unilateral ceasefire marks a step towards finally achieving peace in the South American […]

US says Palestinian state should come via talks, not unilateral recognition

By Nandita Bose and Trevor Hunnicutt WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. President Joe Biden believes a Palestinian state should be achieved through negotiations, not unilateral recognition, the White House said on Wednesday after Ireland, Spain and Norway said they would recognize a Palestinian state this month. Washington’s reaction appeared to signal U.S. dismay that the three European […]

Hamas lashes out at Abbas’s ‘unilateral’ designation of new PM

By Nidal al-Mughrabi CAIRO (Reuters) – The Islamist group Hamas on Friday criticized the “unilateral” designation by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of an ally and leading business figure as prime minister with a mandate to help reform the Palestinian Authority (PA) and rebuild Gaza. Mohammad Mustafa’s appointment comes after mounting pressure to overhaul the governing […]

Israel opposes ‘unilateral’ imposition of Palestinian state

JERUSALEM (Reuters) -Israel on Sunday formalised its opposition to what it called the “unilateral recognition” of Palestinian statehood, and said any such agreement must be reached through direct negotiations. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought the “declaratory decision” to a vote in cabinet, which unanimously approved the measure, according to a statement. Netanyahu said at the […]

Taiwan angered at ‘unilateral’ China change to Taiwan Strait flight path

TAIPEI (Reuters) -Taiwan’s government expressed anger after China “unilaterally” changed a flight path close to the sensitive median line in the Taiwan Strait, saying it appeared to be a deliberate attempt to change the status quo for possible military means. China’s civil aviation administration said in a short statement late Tuesday that from Thursday it […]