Tag: unfounded

Reports of shooting, hostage situation at Oaks Mall ‘unfounded’

Reports of an active shooter and a possible hostage situation at The Oaks Mall in Gainesville on Friday evening appear to be “unfounded,” according to the Gainesville Police Department. Social media was set ablaze Friday evening as GPD officers and Alachua County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to The Oaks Mall, 6419 W. Newberry Road, where […]

Canadian military drill sparks unfounded forced removal theories

Social media users claim a military training exercise in Canada’s Ontario province was a cover-up for a federal operation to relocate citizens to “re-education camps.” This is false; the posts reference wellness checks that involved voluntary conversations with soldiers about emergency preparedness, according to local municipalities and the Canadian Department of National Defence. “Prime Minister Justin […]

Garland blasts ‘unfounded attacks’ on US Justice Dept

By Andrew Goudsward and Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday criticized what he called “unfounded attacks” on the Justice Department by congressional Republicans as he rejected their request for audio recordings of a special counsel interview with President Joe Biden. In a letter to the chairmen of the […]

Users spread unfounded claims of impending Canadian departure fine

Claims circulating on social media that Canadians would soon have to pay a Can$25,000 (USD$18,212) penalty when moving out of the country are false. Canada’s Department of Finance said it was not considering any such emigration fee and the posts misrepresent an existing requirement for some people to settle a tax bill on gains from […]

Clip makes unfounded claims of mass arrests in Denver

As Republicans criticize the Biden administration’s handling of illegal immigration, social media posts are claiming authorities in the US state of Colorado recently detained more than 50 Al-Qaeda members. But Denver police say the claims are false, and there is no evidence of the arrests. “Denver Police At Airport Off The Record ‘The media will not […]

Blaming Vladimir Putin for death of Alexei Navalny ‘unfounded’, Kremlin says

Russian President Vladimir Putin did not see the video in which Alexei Navalny’s widow vowed to continue his fight against the Kremlin, his spokesman said, and dismissed her allegations that Mr Putin had killed the country’s opposition leader as “unfounded” and “insolent”. In the video released on Monday, Yulia Navalnaya accused Mr Putin of killing […]