Tag: unfit

Majority of voters think Biden is cognitively unfit to serve as president: poll

A poll released by CBS News on Sunday found that more voters have doubts about President Biden’s cognitive abilities after Thursday’s presidential debate. The poll, which was conducted between Friday and Saturday, found that 18% of voters thought Biden’s debate performance inspired confidence, while 44% believed that former President Trump’s performance did. Only 21% of […]

We don’t need a Trump-Biden debate to know one of them is totally unfit for office

To the editor: Suppose both President Biden and former President Trump deliver coherent, policy-oriented talk at their debate. Should they then be judged only by that single night’s performance? (“Presidential debates generally don’t matter. This Biden-Trump face-off could be different,” Opinion, June 25) Context is what matters in evaluating a person, not a single, staged […]

Bolton says Trump ‘unfit’ to be president in new memoir intro

Former US national security adviser John Bolton excoriated former president Donald Trump as an utterly self-interested man who would punish personal enemies and appease adversaries Russia and China in a new edition of his memoir released on Tuesday. Mr Bolton, who served in Mr Trump’s White House in 2018 and 2019, accused the Republican presidential […]