Tag: unexpected

Chinese rocket crashes into mountain after unexpected launch

A Chinese space rocket crashed into a mountain on Sunday after blasting off without warning during a test of its engines, according to dramatic footage captured by onlookers. The Tianlong-3 rocket, developed by a rival to Elon Musk’s SpaceX, took off unexpectedly during what was intended to be a ground test of its booster. Spectacular […]

How Roaring Kitty Surpassed Another Unexpected Investing Icon

From Memes To Millions: How Roaring Kitty Surpassed Another Unexpected Investing Icon Pages and pages have been written in the last few years about two surprising investing icons, Keith Gill and Nancy Pelosi. Gill, a former financial analyst, is widely recognized for igniting the GameStop surge in late 2020 through his YouTube channel as Roaring […]

The unexpected behavior of pulsing stars could help us measure the universe

New research offers the most precise measurements yet of pulsating Cepheid stars, which may hold clues about the immense size and scale of our universe. Cepheids are a type of variable star that brighten and dim within a short period of time, exhibiting specific luminosity patterns. However, while this rhythmic behavior allows astronomers to calculate […]

Water frost detected on Mars volcanoes in ‘unexpected’ first

The equatorial region of Mars is home to the solar system’s tallest volcanoes, which — in addition to standing as tall as three Mount Everests in some cases — likely hide an unexpected frosty phenomenon, a new study has found. The biggest one — Olympus Mons — is 16 miles (26 kilometers) high and a whopping […]

An unexpected company is about to announce a new smartphone

HTC isn’t a name that’s been relevant in the U.S. and global smartphone market since 2019. After a peak of 10.7% of the market in 2011, the company suffered a massive decline to 0.05% in 2019 and largely discontinued phone sales in the U.S., China, the U.K., and elsewhere. HTC even pulled its devices off […]