Tag: undo

Trump vows to undo Biden gun restrictions if re-elected

Former US president Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in the 2024 presidential race, said on Friday he had firmly protected gun rights while in the White House and vowed if re-elected to undo all restrictions enacted by president Joe Biden. Speaking to thousands of supporters at an event organised by the National Rifle Association (NRA), […]

Trump vows to undo Biden gun restrictions if re-elected

By Nathan Layne HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (Reuters) – Former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in the 2024 presidential race, said on Friday that if re-elected he would reverse all the gun restrictions enacted by President Joe Biden. Speaking to thousands of supporters at an event organized by the National Rifle Association (NRA), Trump vowed to […]

Surprise as Black Democrats work with Republicans to undo electoral maps

A lawsuit brought by Black Democrats who partnered with Republican attorneys has undone Michigan’s first independently drawn legislative maps, in a development some other Democrats have labeled a GOP “power grab”. Republicans for decades controlled all or part of the state legislature, and developed districts that a judge in 2019 characterized as a “gerrymander of […]