Tag: understanding

Imam and rabbi visit Berlin schools together to promote understanding

Ender Cetin and Igor Itkin only visit Berlin schools together. For 90 minutes, the imam and the rabbi take over the classroom. On one visit, the group of ninth grade teenagers at the Otto Hahn Secondary School in Berlin-Neukölln are already sitting in the circle of chairs when they get started. Around 20 pupils, including […]

A century after the EEG was discovered, it remains a crucial tool for understanding the brain

Jena, Germany, 1924: Working in near-isolation and with painstaking tediousness, the psychiatrist Hans Berger observes rhythmic electrical activity from the scalp of human subjects. He is convinced the activity arises from within the brain and coins the term “electroencephalogram.” It is 10 years before the scientific community accepts Berger’s work, birthing the field of electroencephalography, […]

A century after the EEG was discovered, it remains a crucial tool for understanding the brain

Jena, Germany, 1924: Working in near-isolation and with painstaking tediousness, the psychiatrist Hans Berger observes rhythmic electrical activity from the scalp of human subjects. He is convinced the activity arises from within the brain and coins the term “electroencephalogram.” It is 10 years before the scientific community accepts Berger’s work, birthing the field of electroencephalography, […]

Are whales mammals? Understanding the marine animal’s taxonomy.

Ranging from 9 to 98 feet in length, whales are the largest creatures on Earth. Scientists believe the first whales evolved over 50 million years ago, according to the University of California, Berkeley’s Museum of Paleontology. Today, 92 whale species can be found swimming in the deep blue sea. Whales are a part of the […]

A Concrete Understanding of Math Better for Young Learners

Emily Elliot Gaffney believes that many students enter kindergarten “without a lot of hands-on experience with numbers,” causing some to fall behind. Without a foundational understanding of the relationship between numbers and quantities, Gaffney says, some students begin school “believing that math is almost a foreign language where they need to memorize answers to equations […]