Tag: UkrainePoland

Kyiv denies talks on temporary closure of Ukraine-Poland border

Taras Kachka, Ukraine’s deputy economy minister who takes part in talks with Poland on the border blockade and trade disputes, said on Feb. 28 that the border’s closure was not mentioned during the talks. Kachka was reacting to an earlier statement by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, as cited by Polish media, that Warsaw leads […]

Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service on Ukraine-Poland border situation

Polish protesters have started to block movement at the border with Ukraine more aggressively. Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda Details: Ukrainian border guards received information from the Polish Border Guard representatives about protesters’ plans to restrict the movement of vehicles more aggressively. […]

Ukraine-Poland talks on agricultural trade at ‘final stage’

Ukraine and Poland are negotiating a bilateral agreement that would set conditions on trade in some agricultural goods, Polish Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Siekierski said on Feb. 15, according to the Wprost magazine. On a technical level, the talks are at the final stage, and quota levels for some agricultural goods coming from Ukraine to Poland […]

Queues at Ukraine-Poland border continue despite blockade lifting at one checkpoint

Polish protestors have lifted their blockade of the Ukraine-Poland Medyka–Shehyni border checkpoint, but blockades at three other checkpoints continue, Ukrainian State Border Guard Service spokesperson Andriy Demchenko said in a comment to Ukrainian state news agency Ukrinform on Jan. 8. “The blockade at the Hrebenne–Rava-Ruska, Korczowa–Krakovets, and Dorohusk–Yahodyn checkpoints continues,” Demchenko said. “Based on information […]