Tag: U.S.backed

Iran warns against proposed U.S.-backed Red Sea force

DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran’s Defence Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani warned that a proposed U.S.-backed multinational task force to protect shipping in the Red Sea would face “extraordinary problems”, official Iranian media reported on Thursday. Ashtiani’s comments came after the United States said last week it was in talks with other countries to set up a […]

U.S.-backed Syrian forces recapture Raqqa from Islamic State group

U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces announced Tuesday that they had captured the city of Raqqa from Islamic State militants. “Everything is finished in Raqqa, our forces have taken full control of Raqqa,” SDF spokesman Talal Sello told AFP. A formal declaration would be announced after operations to clear any remaining sleeper cells and to remove landmines in the city […]