Tag: twothirds

Survey Says Nearly Two-Thirds of South Dakota Educators Use Indigenous Standards

This article was originally published in South Dakota Searchlight. Survey results indicate nearly two-thirds of South Dakota public school educators are teaching the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings, but the number of respondents is lower than the last survey. The essential understandings are a set of standards approved in 2018 for teaching students about Native American […]

Two-Thirds of Maryland Teachers are Still White, MSDE Data Shows

This article was originally published in Maryland Matters. Maryland’s teacher workforce still remains majority white, according to data recently released by the state Department of Education,  but advocates are hopeful that new laws could help turn that around. According to figures slated to be discussed by the state Board of Education on Tuesday, about 68% […]

Two-Thirds of Teachers Censor Themselves Even When They Don’t Have To

Two-thirds of U.S. teachers have limited discussions of political and social issues in their classrooms, even in places where there is no law or policy prohibiting instruction on race, gender identity, sexual orientation or other hot-button topics, according to a new survey conducted by the RAND Corp. That means twice as many teachers as are […]

Zimbabwe’s governing Zanu-PF party wins two-thirds majority

Zimbabwe’s governing Zanu-PF party has won all six of Saturday’s parliamentary by-elections meaning it now holds a two-thirds majority in parliament. The victories give President Emmerson Mnangagwa the power to change key provisions in the constitution. The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) allege this will allow him to tighten his grip on power. The […]

Nearly two-thirds of millennials say spending $7 on their daily cup of coffee brings them ‘joy’ — but Suze Orman has compared it to ‘peeing $1M down the drain.’ Who’s right?

Nearly two-thirds of millennials say spending $7 on their daily cup of coffee brings them ‘joy’ — but Suze Orman has compared it to ‘peeing $1M down the drain.’ Who’s right? There’s something truly priceless about starting your day at your local cafe and snagging a steaming cup of coffee before you start work — […]