Tag: turning

Presidential election seen as climate turning point as CO2 hits record

Emissions spew from a stack at the coal-fired Brandon Shores Power Plant in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. (Mark Wilson | Getty Images) WASHINGTON – Despite policies the Biden administration has championed to target climate change, recent findings show carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at an all-time high, raising the stakes for November’s presidential election […]

How property owners are turning the tables on squatters

When Flash Shelton found a squatter in his mother’s home in Northern California five years ago, he figured out how to work around a system that often appears to protect the squatter and not the property owner: he decided to turn the tables on the squatter. “These people feel like the law allows them to […]

Georgia inmate kills kitchen employee before turning gun on himself: officials

An inmate in Georgia fatally shot a prison employee before turning the gun on himself, according to officials. The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) told Fox News Digital that the shooting took place at Smith State Prison in Glennville on Sunday. The perpetrator was identified as Jaydrekus Hart, who was imprisoned for voluntary manslaughter. The […]