Tag: Tucker

Russia historians say the Tucker Carlson interview solidified one thing about Putin — he’s off the rails

Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson showcased his delusions, two Russia experts said. Putin attempted to negate Ukraine’s sovereignty through his version of Russian history. US senators are working to provide aid to Ukraine and Israel, but it may not survive the House. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a strange performance fueled by Russian propaganda […]

Chris Wallace Exposes Most Telling Part Of Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

CNN’s Chris Wallace slammed his former Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson for the “softball interview” he conducted with Russian President Vladimir Putin that he shared on X, formerly Twitter, last week. “Tucker Carlson showed up in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin. It turned out to be anything but an interview,” Wallace began on Saturday. “Putin […]

Yes, Tucker Carlson’s Mom Left Him Only $1 in Her Will

Claim: The biological mother of ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson left him $1 in her will. Rating: Rating: True Context: A South Carolina probate court affirmed the validity of a hand-written will from Lisa Lombardi, Tucker Carlson’s estranged biological mother, that leaves Carlson and his brother “one dollar each.” The document was discovered after a […]

Poland counters Putin’s historical distortions, debunks claims in Tucker Carlson interview

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s pseudo-historical claims presented in an “interview” with American propagandist Tucker Carlson on Feb. 9. They’ve published ten points refuting Putin’s fabrications. During the two-hour conversation, Putin falsely portrayed Ukraine and Ukrainians while labeling Russia as the aggrieved party in the war. Read […]

Scholz reacts to Putin’s claims in Tucker Carlson interview

Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor of Germany, has stated that the claims Russian President Vladimir Putin made in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson show why the allies must keep supporting Ukraine. Source: European Pravda with reference to Twitter (X) post by Scholz Quote: “The Russian president mocks what Russia is really doing in Ukraine […]

Putin’s lies go unchecked by American propagandist Tucker Carlson

Reclusive Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s lies, falsehoods, and disinformation was rarely countered in an “interview” with American propagandist Tucker Carlson released on Feb. 8. “Russia and Ukraine will come to an agreement sooner or later,” Putin claimed in the rambling, two-hour interview. “Ukrainians still feel like Russians”, he said in one lie of many that […]

Vladimir Putin pulled a classic power move that steamrolled Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson said Vladimir Putin was “a couple hours late” for their Kremlin interview this week. Making people wait is a power move often used by the Russian president, experts say. Putin launched into a lengthy revisionist history of Russia that  Carlson said “annoyed” him. Russian President Vladimir Putin pulled a power move on Tucker […]

Vladamir Putin Tells Tucker Carlson Why Russia Attacked Ukraine [VIDEO]

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the video has just been released to the public. This interview, which was shot on February 6, has been a hot topic, as this is the first time the Russian President has been interviewed by a Western journalist since Russia invaded Ukraine […]

Tucker Carlson Drops His 2-Hour Vladimir Putin Interview

Tucker Carlson released his two-hour interview with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president whose military is deep into its second year of the Ukraine invasion, marking an unprecedented sitdown between an American journalist and adversarial head of state during wartime. Watch it here. The Putin interview in its entirety was offered for free and unedited, Carlson […]

Hillary Clinton Drops Diplomacy In 2-Word Insult Of Tucker Carlson

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thinks of right-wing pundit Tucker Carlson as a “useful idiot.” “If you actually read translations of what’s been said in Russian media, they make fun of him. I mean, he’s like a puppy dog,” Clinton told Alex Wagner on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” on Wednesday. The 2016 Democratic presidential […]