Tag: Trillions

Lack of global schooling costing trillions, UN warns

Excluding children from school education could cost the global community around $10 trillion a year by 2030 if states do not take decisive action, the United Nations warned in a new report published on Monday. The report by the UN’s educational, scientific and cultural agency UNESCO estimates the specific costs for private individuals, states and […]

Trillions of cicadas set to emerge in U.S. When do the cicadas come out in Illinois?

Over a trillion periodical cicadas will emerge this spring across much of the United States after over a decade spent underground. Millions of the loud, large insects will appear in Illinois. Nonetheless, it will be a rare event. While annual cicadas emerge every midsummer in Illinois, 2024 will feature an earlier, once-in-several-lifetimes event when two specific groups […]