Tag: trashes

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee

Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with Republicans in Congress and supposedly discuss strategy, but it didn’t take long for him to go off on tangents—and dump on the site of this year’s Republican National Convention, Milwaukee. Tweet screenshot Jake Sherman: ��TRUMP TO HOUSE REPUBLICANS: “Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is […]

Tesla Exec Quits, Trashes Company

Model Employee Tesla’s head of product launches Rich Otto announced this week that he’s left the EV maker after seven years — the latest in a string of key executive resignations. Unlike other outgoing leaders who have left the company on publicly good terms, Otto slammed the company in a since-deleted post on LinkedIn that seems […]

Colin Jost Trashes Trump’s Holy Book In Biblical ‘Weekend Update’ Burn

“Weekend Update” co-anchor Colin Jost spotted how Donald Trump’s take on the Bible stacks up to the holy book after the former president announced his God Bless the USA Bible on Tuesday. “This Bible is mostly the same but Trump’s version ends with Jesus’ disciples storming Jerusalem to overturn the results of the crucifixion,” said […]

Mike Rowe trashes college degrees, says Harvard grads are taking their ‘degrees off the wall’ — is welding, pipe fitting or HVAC a better path to six figures?

‘Shameful’: Mike Rowe trashes college degrees, says Harvard grads are taking their ‘degrees off the wall’ — is welding, pipe fitting or HVAC a better path to six figures? Higher education has traditionally been hailed as a crucial stepping stone to success, but TV personality Mike Rowe argues this belief is now out of date. […]