Tag: transport

Baltimore can use grant to boost cargo shipments, US transport department says

By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Transportation Department on Friday said it reached an agreement with Baltimore County to revise an $8.26 million grant agreement to enable Tradepoint Atlantic (TPA) to accommodate more cargo. Repurposing the funds will allow a boost in cargo to Sparrows Point at the Port of Baltimore, which is outside […]

Former German transport minister Scheuer leaves Bundestag early

Former German transport minister Andreas Scheuer resigned his seat in Germany’s lower house of parliament, or Bundestag, effective Monday – a year before his term is set to expire. He thanked his supporters. “It has been an honour to work for our country and for my homeland,” he said in comments made on Monday. The […]

Head of Germany’s ifo: Transport strikes hitting economy

Wide-ranging strikes hitting Germany’s state-owned rail network and flag carrier Lufthansa are having a significant impact on the country’s ailing economy, the head of the highly regarded ifo economic institute said on Thursday. Speaking on national public television broadcaster ZDF, ifo President Clemens Fuest described the strikes as “an additional burden that [Germany] could well […]

Strikes in German public transport to reach peak on Friday

Much of Germany’s public transport will remain out of service on Friday, as the second round of strikes by the trade union Verdi reaches its climax. According to the union, there will once again be far-reaching restrictions on bus, underground and tram services in dozens of cities and districts. The industrial action began in many […]

German public transport hit by two-day strike, crippling networks

Public transport ground to a halt in much of Germany on Thursday as a two-day warning strike began in several federal states. Buses, trams and subways were largely at a standstill in many places, though suburban S-Bahn rail lines operated by the national rail network Deutsche Bahn were still running. Municipal and local public transport […]

Polish agrarians say they will block all Ukrainian freight transport

Polish agrarians will block all border crossings between Poland and Ukraine, as well as access roads to railway transshipment stations and seaports, starting from 20 February. Source: RMF FM, citing a statement from Solidarity, an Independent Farmers’ Self-Governing Trade Union; European Pravda Details: “Not only border crossings, but also transport hubs, access roads to railway […]