Tag: Transforming

How AI is transforming small businesses: Intuit CFO

As artificial intelligence seeps into all corners of the market, Intuit (INTU) CFO Sandeep Aujla joins Wealth! to discuss how these technological developments can trickle through to small businesses. “When you think about AI for small businesses, there are really two key areas we’re focused on: helping them save time because they’d rather run their […]

Invasive species are transforming the Everglades

Throughout the ’70s,’80s, and ’90s, Frank Mazzotti would see many rabbits as he drove down to his study site in Florida’s Everglades National Park. Every hundred meters or so, one of them would be sitting by the roadside — usually a marsh rabbit, sometimes a cottontail. But starting in the early 2000s, they began to […]

Transforming my beloved family home into a jewel

I met Herman Dreisbach in February of 2003 when he was 88 years old. His wife of 60 years had died the previous February, and he was selling his house to move to Atlanta, where his son and daughter-in-law lived. Holly Christensen Once a tall man, Mr. Dreisbach’s upper back and neck stooped forward from […]

Mary Barra Spent a Decade Transforming GM. It Hasn’t Been Enough.

Updated Dec. 16, 2023 12:04 am ET Listen to article (2 minutes) At a 2018 meeting with a senior General Motors team, Chief Executive Mary Barra stunned the room with a sharp U-turn. She killed plans for a new high-end Cadillac that already had gushing reviews from the automotive press.  Her reason: the car’s gas-guzzling […]