Tag: Tiangong

Watch China launch 3 astronauts to Tiangong space station today

China will launch its latest set of crewmembers to Tiangong space station today (April 25), and you can watch the action live. The three-astronaut Shenzhou 18 mission is scheduled to lift off atop a Long March 2F rocket from China’s Jiuquan spaceport at 8:59 a.m. EDT (1259 GMT; 8:59 p.m. Beijing time) on April 25. […]

China’s Tiangong space station damaged by debris strike: report

China will beef up its space debris procedures for astronauts after a partial loss of power on its Tiangong space station, according to state media. Astronauts on the Shenzhou 17 mission conducted two spacewalks outside the Tiangong space station this winter, most recently on March 1. At the time, Chinese media said there had been […]

China prepares to send three astronauts to Tiangong space station

China’s space agency is making final preparations to send the Shenzhou-18 crew into low-Earth orbit as part of its ambitious space program that aims to put people on the moon by 2030. In a press conference on Wednesday, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) introduced the three astronauts: Commander Ye Guangfu, 43, a veteran astronaut […]

China sends human bone cells to Tiangong space station (video)

A Chinese space freighter has delivered human bone cells to the Tiangong space station for on-orbit research. The Tianzhou 7 cargo spacecraft launched on a Long March 7 rocket from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Jan. 17, reaching the Tiangong space station just over three hours later. Among its cargo of around 12,350 pounds (5,600 […]