Tag: Theocracy

Donald Trump dons the “armor of God” — and pushes for theocracy

Donald Trump has frequently hinted or implied that he has been chosen by God as some type of prophet and messiah, a divine champion in the 2024 presidential election. The suggestion is that Trump is somehow infallible, above and outside the Constitution, the rule of law and other restraints placed on the behavior of mere […]

Theocracy and the Center for Renewing America

Perhaps you’ve never heard of the Center for Renewing America (CRA). I don’t remember when it first came to my attention. It was probably one evening when I was listening to a podcast. Here’s a quote from the Center’s website: “The CRA is a conservative nonprofit organization that engages in research, analysis and public education […]

The Bogus Historians Who Teach Evangelicals They Live in a Theocracy

As Barton began his presentation, I slipped away to a parlor room at the back of the sanctuary. Connelly wanted me to meet three local pastors who stood for truth. Seated around a large, rectangular folding table were Connelly; Donald Eason, the pastor of Metro Church of Christ in Sterling Heights; Jeffrey Hall, the pastor […]