Tag: telescopes

If alien terraforming emits greenhouse gases, our telescopes could detect it

If aliens wrap their planets in potent greenhouse gases like we do, we’d be able to tell. That’s according to a recent thought experiment in which scientists identified five “artificial” greenhouse gases that, if abundant enough, can be spotted in the atmospheres of certain exoplanets using existing technology, including the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). […]

The Webb Telescope’s dazzling nebula image supports a long-held theory

The image of the Serpens Nebula you see above, taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), not only looks mesmerizing but also captures a never-before-seen phenomenon. The aligned, elongated “protostellar outflows” visible in the top left support a longstanding theory. As suspected, the jets shoot out in alignment from the swirling disks of surrounding […]

Next ORION program to offer a look at ‘smart telescopes’

The next ORION program, “Smart Telescopes,” will be at 7 p.m. June 19 at the City Room (Room A-111), McNally-Coffey Building, Roane State Community College, Oak Ridge campus. Don Spong will be the guest speaker. He is a plasma physicist who works at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on fusion energy research. The title of the […]

‘Stellar Dreams’ project gifting 100 telescopes to 100 families (exclusive)

An illuminating new program has stargazers and science educators aglow with inspiration. That program, called Stellar Dreams, is run by the nonprofit organization The Science Haven. It will give away 100 telescopes, with the goal of spurring interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) in underrepresented and underprivileged families. Founded by molecular biologist Raven […]

Euclid ‘dark universe’ telescope’s vision restored by deicing campaign

The Euclid “dark universe” probe’s ailing vision has been restored after an experimental deicing campaign successfully evaporated ice from the telescope’s mirrors, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced on Tuesday (March 26). Ice layers as wide as a single DNA strand had collected on Euclid‘s mirrors, causing a small but progressive decrease in the amount […]

A new ultrablack coating for telescopes could bring more stars into focus

The images we get these days from advanced telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, undoubtedly leave us in awe and wonder of galaxies that exist light-years away from Earth. But what if these pictures could be improved even more?Researchers from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of […]