Tag: Telescope

1st telescope removed from controversial astronomy hub on Hawaiian volcano

For the first time, a telescope on the Hawaiian volcano Maunakea has been fully decommissioned — it was dismantled, removed, and its site was restored to previous conditions. The effort comes under an agreement between the University of Hawaii and the Maunakea Stewardship and Oversight Authority, designed to smooth tensions over the construction of a […]

Hubble Space Telescope faces setback, but should work for years, NASA says

Trouble with one of the Hubble Space Telescope’s three remaining gyroscopes, critical for aiming and locking onto targets, has prompted mission managers to switch to a backup control mode that will limit some observations, but keep the iconic observatory running well into the 2030s, officials said Tuesday . “We still believe there’s very high reliability […]

Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope temporarily pauses observations after malfunction

The Hubble Space Telescope has temporarily stopped observing the cosmos. Nasa said the telescope slipped into a hibernating state more than a week ago, when one of its three remaining gyroscopes, part of the pointing system, malfunctioned. The same device has been acting up for months and disrupting scientific operations. Hubble remains safe but inactive as flight […]