Tag: symbols

Archaeologists Uncover Stone From ‘Lost Civilization’ Inscribed With Symbols

Archaeologists in Spain have discovered a stone from a “lost civilization” with an ancient alphabet inscribed upon it, Fox News reported. If researchers’ hypotheses prove correct, the discovery could precede the Rosetta Stone by more than 400 years. If scientists’ interpretation of the carvings are correct, this stone would be only the third “southern Paleo-Hispanic alphabet of […]

Congress must demand the removal of symbols memorializing racism

Elie Wiesel was not just a Nobel Prize laureate. He was also a Holocaust survivor who believed that “the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.” Wiesel dedicated his life to shine a light on the genocide committed by the Nazis. This is why it was unfortunate that three top leaders and scholars from […]

Chinese EVs seen as status symbols are being bought new in countries where they aren’t officially sold yet thanks to a loophole

Chinese carmakers have struck fear in automotive companies across the globe. “If there are no trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk told investors last month. “They’re extremely good.” Tesla was recently overtaken by China’s BYD—backed by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway—in global sales […]

Russia bans ‘Glory to Ukraine’ and other Ukrainian symbols

Russia’s Justice Ministry has prohibited the slogan “Glory to Ukraine” and the public display of symbols associated with the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Russian propaganda agency TASS reported. The ban includes the emblem of the OUN, described as a “stylized golden trident, with the central element resembling a sharp sword,” and a “black equilateral […]

Russia adds “Glory to Ukraine” slogan and Ukrainian nationalist movements’ insignia to Nazi symbols list

The Russian Ministry of Justice has prohibited public displays of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists’ symbols and “Glory to Ukraine” slogan. Source: Russian state-owned news agency TASS with reference to the website of Russia’s Justice Ministry Details: The Russian Ministry of Justice writes that they also banned the emblem of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists […]