Tag: suns

‘Stellar tanning salon’ brings light of alien suns to Earth

A few lucky folks have now had their skin kissed by the light of alien suns. That light was generated here on Earth, at the world’s first “stellar tanning salon,” which opened this week at the Festival of the Future in Munich, Germany. The salon’s lamps simulate the spectra of a variety of stars, from […]

The sun’s magnetic field is about to flip. Here’s what to expect.

The sun is on the verge of a significant event: a magnetic field reversal. This phenomenon happens roughly every 11 years and marks an important stage in the solar cycle. The shift in polarity indicates the halfway point of solar maximum, the height of solar activity, and the beginning of the shift toward solar minimum. The last […]

The sun’s magnetic field is about to flip. Here’s what to expect.

The sun is on the verge of a significant event: a magnetic field reversal. This phenomenon happens roughly every 11 years and marks an important stage in the solar cycle. The shift in polarity indicates the halfway point of solar maximum, the height of solar activity, and the beginning of the shift toward solar minimum. […]

Scientists locate origin of the sun’s magnetic field

Editor’s note: A version of this story appeared in CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free here. I was lucky enough to catch an awesome glimpse of the northern lights from my own home this month when the biggest solar storm to reach Earth in two decades made auroras […]

Scientists a step closer to unraveling mystery of sun’s magnetic field

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. The sun has a powerful magnetic field that creates sunspots on the star’s surface and unleashes solar storms such as the one that bathed much of the planet in beautiful auroras this month. But exactly how […]

Sun’s magnetic field may originate closer to the solar surface

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The sun’s magnetic field, which causes solar storms like the one that hit Earth this month and produced beautiful auroras, may originate at shallower depths in the star’s interior than previously thought, according to researchers. The sun’s outer 30% is comprised of an “ocean” of churning gases plunging more […]