Tag: successful

Graham warns Putin ‘will not stop’ if successful in Ukraine

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday stressed the urgency of support to Ukraine, warning Russian President Vladimir Putin “will not stop,” even if successful in Russia’s war with Kyiv. “Here’s what I will tell you. If you give Putin Ukraine, he will not stop,” Graham said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “This is […]

China launch of relay satellite Queqiao-2 for lunar probe mission successful

BEIJING (Reuters) – China National Space Administration (CNSA) said on Friday its launch of a key signal relay satellite was a “complete success” and it would serve as the communication bridge for its future lunar probe missions for years to come, state media reported. China launched the satellite Queqiao-2, which was named after a mythological […]

A Successful Retirement May Hinge on Avoiding These Careless Mistakes

A married couple looks over their financial plan for retirement. Deciding to retire can feel a bit unnerving. Retirees have plenty to potentially worry about – some of which they have no control over – like how the market will perform and how fast prices at the supermarket will increase. But regardless of the economic […]

3 Successful Habits of 401(k) Millionaires

Image source: Getty Images According to a study by Fidelity, out of more than 45 million retirement savers with Fidelity accounts, about 422,000 401(k)s and 392,000 IRAs have million-dollar balances. That’s less than 2% of the total. There’s no magic formula when it comes to building a million-dollar 401(k), and the paths to retirement savings […]