Tag: strongest

Which E-Commerce Stock Is the Strongest Buy?

In recent years, the e-commerce scene has battled macro headwinds and rapidly changing consumer behavior. Undoubtedly, high rates and fears of anything worse than an economic soft landing have caused some consumers to cut back not just on discretionary goods but also on necessities by opting for the cheapest alternatives where possible. With one rate […]

Solar flare blasts out strongest radiation storm since 2017

It’s the sunspot region that just does not want to quit! Beastly sunspot AR3697 has made headlines again just before it makes another exit. The sunspot region, formerly known as AR3664, produced the historic geomagnetic storm that led to May’s global auroras. On Saturday (June 8), the sunspot fired off a M9.7-class solar flare, the […]

We may have just witnessed some of the strongest auroras in 500 years

This month’s ramped-up auroras may have been even more remarkable than we thought. The auroral displays that wowed observers around the world two weekends ago, including folks as far south as Florida in the U.S. and Ladakh in northern India, may have been among the strongest such light shows since record-keeping began. “With reports of […]

German men compete for title in battle of the strongest fingers

Despite the threat of dislocated fingers and strained muscles, more than 150 Bavarian men came together on Sunday to compete in Germany’s unique national championship of “Fingerhakeln” – finger wrestling. The all-male competitors met in a big beer tent in the small southern village of Bernbeuren, with around 1,000 people cheering them on as they […]

This Forecasting Tool Is Sending Its Strongest Warning Since the Great Recession. It Could Signal a Big Move in the Stock Market.

Many economists forecast a recession in 2023 as scorching inflation and rapidly rising interest rates threatened to choke the economy, but that downturn never materialized. In fact, the U.S. economy expanded 2.5% in 2023, an acceleration from 1.9% in 2022. However, consumer spending and business investments slowed in the first quarter of 2024, such that […]