Tag: Stilts

A fox on stilts? Argentine long-legged maned wolf returned to the wild

By Lucila Sigal BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – Argentine conservationists have returned a rare and unusual-looking animal, a maned wolf, to the wild around Buenos Aires, with its long black legs and red-fur making the creature look like a fox on stilts or perhaps wearing knee-high boots. The endangered species, whose natural habitat is usually in […]

721 members of India’s Karbi community walk on stilts for world record

Feb. 23 (UPI) — Members of the Karbi community in India broke a Guinness World Record when they formed a line of 721 people walking on stilts. The Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council organized the record attempt during the 50th Karbi Youth Festival in Assam and the 721 stilt-walkers donned traditional garb and formed a line […]