Tag: Startup

10 NJ start-up businesses receive $3.6 million in state grants. Here they are:

Ten new businesses, made up of 30 entrepreneurs, will receive $3.6 million in grants from the New Jersey Innovations Fellow (NJIF) program. The income replacement grants are just part of the package. They’ll also receive mentorship and training. They were chosen by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA). The NJIF program provides financial support […]

This Top AI Start-Up Stock Is Falling Again to Start 2024 — Why Most Investors Should Steer Clear

Generative AI training infrastructure remains white hot as an investment. Numerous start-ups have appeared to address the need. Given the end-to-end solution Nvidia created that spans chip design, algorithms, and software, this AI infrastructure consisting of data centers filled with accelerated computing systems (primary using Nvidia technology) is arguably easier to build than “traditional” cloud […]

Startup Building Huge Laser to Shoot Down Space Junk From the Ground

Fusion Cuisine A Japanese startup called EX-Fusion has announced a bold new plan to take out space junk: shooting the stuff down with laser beams, Nikkei Asia reports. The experimental technology could be one of many potential methods to tackle the daunting task of cleaning up our planet’s cluttered orbit. Rest assured, this approach doesn’t involve […]

Bill Gates-backed startup develops ‘HAWT’ turbines that reduce cost of wind power to new lows — here’s how they work

Airloom Energy, a Wyoming-based wind energy startup backed by Bill Gates, created a revolutionary wind-powered technology that it claims can slash energy costs by nearly 70%. While wind energy continues to get cheaper as more wind farms come online, the turbines themselves are outrageously expensive — a standard utility-scale 2.5 MW horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) […]

Startup CEO says ‘the house of the future costs as much as a car’ — here’s how the company plans to make it happen

New technology from Japanese startup Serendix may eventually turn the dream of home ownership from the seemingly impossible into the possible for many Americans — and help us give our planet an assist in the process. Serendix, which hopes to make housing more affordable, recently combined 3D printing and CNC machining to build a house […]

Chinese startup LandSpace poised to begin reusable rocket landing tests

Chinese launch startup Landspace appears ready to test launching and landing rockets. The company launched its third Zhuque-2 methane-fueled rocket on Dec. 8, successfully sending two satellites into orbit. It also revealed plans following the launch for a large stainless steel Zhuque-3 reusable rocket that it aims to launch for orbit for the first time […]

Startup True Anomaly snags $100 million for space security work

True Anomaly just scored a big chunk of change to continue developing its space security tech. The Colorado-based startup announced on Tuesday (Dec. 12) that it raised $100 million in a “Series B” round of funding led by Riot Ventures. The money “will be used for continued investment in people, products and services to further advance True Anomaly’s […]