Tag: spiders

Invasive spiders are crawling up the East Coast

Giant, venomous yellow spiders have been making their way up the East Coast, and people may begin to spot them in New Jersey, New York and even southern Canada as early as this year. The invasive Joro spider, native to East Asia, was first found in Georgia in 2013. The spiders remain mostly in the […]

Wary of giant, parachuting Joro spiders? Here’s what to know.

You may have heard about some not-so-itsy-bitsy venomous flying spiders that can soar with the winds, love to eat butterflies and are already appearing along the East Coast. They’re called Joro spiders – and their lifestyle is just as interesting as their looks. Perhaps the most intriguing part? Despite their ability to parachute through the […]

Satellites spot clusters of ‘spiders’ sprawled across Mars’ Inca City (photo)

Seasonal, spider-like features have been spotted sprouting through cracks in Mars’ surface. The European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter captured new images of small, dark features that resemble spiders scuttling across the Martian region known as Inca City near the Red Planet‘s south pole. This phenomenon appears when spring sunlight warms layers of carbon dioxide […]

Spacecraft spots “spiders” scattered across surface of Mars

A unique phenomenon that could be mistaken for spiders scuttling across the planet’s surface has been spotted on Mars, according to the European Space Agency. The ESA said in a news release that one of its Mars Express orbiter captured images of the “spiders,” which are really just small, dark-colored features that begin to be […]

Spacecraft spots “spiders” scattered across surface of Mars

A unique phenomenon that could be mistaken for spiders scuttling across the planet’s surface has been spotted on Mars, according to the European Space Agency. The ESA said in a news release that one of its Mars Express orbiter captured images of the “spiders,” which are really just small, dark-colored features that begin to be […]

Orbiter Spots “Spiders” on Surface of Mars

Martian Creepy Crawlers The European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter has spotted “spiders” on the Red Planet’s southern polar region. But they’re not the arachnids we fear or adore back on Earth — they’re the result of a complex geological process that causes carbon dioxide to sublimate, digging up darker material from below the surface […]

Oklahoma faces onslaught of mosquitoes, flies and spiders this summer

Oklahomans can expect an especially bad invasion of mosquitoes, flies and spiders this summer. The National Pest Management Association released its U.S. Spring & Summer 2024 Bug Barometer® forecast Wednesday, warning of increased populations of pests like ticks, mosquitoes, ants and more throughout the country. The National Pest Management Association released its U.S. Spring & […]