Tag: spheres

Tech company unveils tiny spheres that outperform solar panels using both sun and artificial light — and the company says they could hit 60 times the current capacity

Solar panels may be replaced by light-catching spheres if innovation company WAVJA’s ingenious contraptions fulfill their potential. That’s because the business, which has operations in New York City, says its experts have created tiny globes — from a little more than an inch to nearly 4 inches in size — that can harness both sunlight […]

Newborn planets look more like Smarties than spheres, study suggests

When new planets form around stars they have flattened shapes, like Smarties, and are not spherical as previously thought, scientists have said. Researchers at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) used computer simulations to model the formation of planets. To develop their models, the team used a concept in astrophysics known as the theory of […]