Tag: spent

Putin’s navy is now a spent force

In 2024, the Russian navy plans to take delivery of 12 new warships plus another 38 small craft, according to state media. That’s two more warships than last year – and twice as many as the annual average for the preceding decade. And on paper, it’s two more warships than the world’s leading navy – […]

‘Shocking’ amount spent on Portland metro homeless interventions

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Have you ever wondered how much the Portland metro area spends on homeless interventions? John Tapogna’s team at ECOnorthwest crunched the numbers. Local governments and nonprofits in the Tri-County area (Multnomah-Washington-Clackamas counties) spent $531 million in fiscal year 2023 on homelessness interventions, a 70% increase from the previous year. “The number […]