Tag: Spectacularly

Only Defense of the Ten Commandments Law Just Imploded Spectacularly

The co-author of a bill mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed inside public school classrooms in Louisiana took to cable news for her victory lap after the measure was signed into law. Needless to say, her justifications for the blatant violation of religious freedom crumbled under the most basic scrutiny. On two different CNN […]

Jesse Watters’ Attempt At Math Goes Spectacularly Awry

Jesse Watters’ comment about fast-food workers’ salaries didn’t add up for people online. The Fox News host bemoaned what people who work at establishments like McDonald’s are paid during an episode of the “PBD Podcast” with some inaccurate math. ”If you’re making $20 an hour to work at a fast-food restaurant, right? Is that six […]

RNC’s Bizarre Attack On Biden’s Church Visit Backfires Spectacularly

The Republican National Committee is getting holy hell from critics after it attacked President Joe Biden over his visit to a South Carolina church on Sunday. Biden received a warm greeting as he arrived for service at St. John Baptist Church in Columbia. He shooks hands and waved to cheering congregants as the pastor welcomed […]