Tag: Soyuz

Crew safe after Soyuz launch aborted 20 seconds before liftoff

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Three crew members are safe after their scheduled launch to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan was automatically aborted Thursday morning, according to a live NASA broadcast. NASA astronaut Tracy C. Dyson, […]

Russia’s Soyuz launch to space station aborted at last minute in rare delay

Launch of a Russian Soyuz rocket carrying a cosmonaut commander, a guest flier from Belarus and NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson was aborted at the T-minus 20-second mark Thursday, delaying the crew’s planned flight to the International Space Station. With veteran commander Oleg Novitskiy at the controls, flanked on the left by Belarus spaceflight participant Marina […]

Watch Russian Soyuz rocket launch 3 spaceflyers to the ISS on March 21

A Russian Soyuz rocket will launch three people, including one NASA astronaut, toward the International Space Station (ISS) on Thursday morning (March 21), and you can watch the action live. The rocket is scheduled to launch the Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Thursday at 9:21 a.m. EDT (1321 GMT; 6:21 p.m. […]