Tag: soldiers

South Korean soldiers fire warning shots after troops briefly cross border from North

South Korean soldiers fired warning shots after North Korean soldiers accidentally crossed the border, South Korea’s military said. Some North Korean troops engaged in unspecified work on the border crossed the demilitarized zone line that separates the two countries, The Associated Press reported. The soldiers were carrying construction tools and some of them were armed. […]

Zelensky and Pistorius visit Ukrainian soldiers

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius have been to see Ukrainian troops being trained to use the Patriot air defence system. The two visited a military training area in northern Germany on Tuesday afternoon. The exact location was not disclosed for security reasons. Zelensky arrived from Berlin on Tuesday, where he […]

Marcos Tells Soldiers to Prepare for ‘More Worrisome’ Threat

(Bloomberg) — Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. told his nation’s northern army unit to be ready for any eventuality amid tensions between China and Taiwan, while also warning of a “more worrisome” threat to his country. Most Read from Bloomberg The Philippines is within China’s area of interest due to the proximity of its northern […]

Soldiers in Malawi search forests for missing plane carrying vice president

Soldiers are searching mountainous forests near a city in northern Malawi after a military plane carrying the country’s vice president and a former first lady went missing in the area, President Lazarus Chakwera said. The plane carrying 51-year-old vice president Saulos Chilima, former first lady Shanil Dzimbiri and eight others left the southern African nation’s […]

South Korea fires warning shots as North Korean soldiers briefly cross border

South Korean soldiers fired warning shots after North Korean troops briefly violated the tense border earlier this week, South Korea’s military said on Tuesday. The rival nations are embroiled in Cold War-style campaigns like balloon launches and propaganda broadcasts. Bloodshed and violent confrontations have occasionally occurred at the Koreas’ heavily fortified border, called the Demilitarised […]

Memorial bench honours Warwickshire D-Day soldiers

A memorial bench has been unveiled to honour 154 men killed or injured during a battle in France, the day after D-Day. The engraved bench in Lebisey Wood, Normandy, has been set up to honour soldiers from the Royal Warwickshire regiment who took part in the campaign on 7 June 1944. Jason Woods, from the […]