Tag: sleuths

‘Baby Reindeer’ is based on Richard Gadd’s real life. He’s asking internet sleuths to stop trying to expose the people behind the characters.

Spoiler alert: This article contains storyline details about Baby Reindeer. Richard Gadd wrote and stars in Baby Reindeer, Netflix’s new hit limited series, about his real-life experience with a stalker and, separately, being a victim of sexual violence. Now, as the show tops the streaming service’s most-watched list for the second week, Gadd’s calling on […]

Science sleuths are using technology to find fakery and plagiarism in published research

Allegations of research fakery at a leading cancer center have turned a spotlight on scientific integrity and the amateur sleuths uncovering image manipulation in published research. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, announced Jan. 22 it’s requesting retractions and corrections of scientific papers after a British blogger flagged problems in early January. The […]

Science sleuths are using technology to find fakery and plagiarism in published research

Allegations of research fakery at a leading cancer center have turned a spotlight on scientific integrity and the amateur sleuths uncovering image manipulation in published research. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, announced Jan. 22 it’s requesting retractions and corrections of scientific papers after a British blogger flagged problems in early January. The […]

DNA sleuths retrace journey of 2,000-year old corpse found in the U.K.

A man born 2,000 years ago in Russia ended up buried in England — and researchers think they’ve finally figured out how, thanks to DNA. Scientists from London’s Francis Crick Institute, Durham University in England, and MOLA Headland Infrastructure, a consortium of two U.K. archaeology companies, worked together to determine the globe-trotting history of a […]