Tag: sites

Ryanair sees hit after removal from online travel agent sites

Ryanair has cautioned over a hit from the move by a raft of online travel agents to remove the Irish airline from their websites. The group said that, since early December, many of the larger sites such as Booking.com, Kiwi and Kayak have taken Ryanair off their sites. It said the sudden removal from what […]

A new year to go out and explore new High Desert places and sites

With the dawning of each new year, nearly 39% of Americans make a New Year’s Resolution. “I will lose those unsightly 180 pounds by divorcing him.” “I will be a better child for my parents and will only call twice this year for money.” “I will stop writing about seeing a Sasquatch.” All good intentions […]

Tree-cycling of holiday evergreens offered at 15 Westmoreland sites

Dec. 17—Christmas trees can become part of landscaping instead of a landfill when they’re disposed of through the annual tree-cycling program in Westmoreland County. Cosponsored by the nonprofit Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling, 15 locations will be available to accept drop-offs of discarded holiday trees. The drop-off sites remain unchanged from the previous year. Additional sponsors […]