Tag: Sinister

Putin is about to open a sinister new front in his war on Europe

In recent weeks, the talk in Europe has turned to where, after Ukraine, Russian president Vladimir Putin could set his sights on next. Could that place be Moldova? Last week, officials in the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria set alarm bells ringing by declaring that this Wednesday they plan to convene a rare meeting of […]

Why do Republicans hate higher education? Here’s the sinister reason

Even before the embarrassing performances of the presidents of MIT, Harvard and UPenn on anti-Semitism in December, Republican leaders — particularly those representing the least educated voters — have been assailing American universities, dragging them into conservatives’ latest culture wars. In September, the Republican auditor of Mississippi — the second-most uneducated state — called several […]

Trump turns into sinister playground bully in New Hampshire victory lap

The cruelty is the point. As Joe Biden acknowledged on Tuesday night, Donald Trump now has the Republican presidential nomination sewn up. But like a Roman emperor or mob boss, Trump used his victory speech in New Hampshire to humiliate his former opponents – and make sinister threats against his last primary rival. Related: Trump […]