Tag: sides

Elon Musk sides with Trump after he speaks out against TikTok ban

Elon Musk said he agrees with Donald Trump‘s opposition to a potential TikTok ban. Trump believes that a TikTok ban would benefit Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg who he called “Zuckerschmuck.” A newly-introduced bipartisan bill could lead to the banning of TikTok in the US. Elon Musk backed Donald Trump Friday after the former president spoke out […]

Apple gets squeezed by antitrust regulators on both sides of the Atlantic

Apple is getting squeezed by antitrust regulators on both sides of the Atlantic. Just as the tech giant braces for a sweeping lawsuit from the Justice Department in the US, it was hit Monday with a $2 billion European Commission (EC) fine for allegedly breaking competition laws overseas. Apple intends to fight the decision from […]

Sides disagree over pacing, trial start

ASHEVILLE – As the federal government removed Immediate Jeopardy designation at Mission Hospital, and antitrust cases against the facility’s corporate owner HCA Healthcare proceed in federal and state court, lawyers for the North Carolina Attorney General’s office and the hospital prepare for a showdown in the state’s business court. State gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General […]

US candidate Haley sides with court ruling that embryos are babies

By Doina Chiacu (Reuters) -Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said on Wednesday that she believed frozen embryos created through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) were babies, endorsing a controversial ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court. That state’s high court said that frozen embryos in test tubes should be considered children, rattling doctors and patients in reproductive medicine […]