Tag: shutdown

US House passes $1.2tn spending bill hours before shutdown deadline

The House voted Friday to pass a $1.2tn spending package that would fund much of the federal government through September, with just hours left to avert a partial shutdown. The bill now advances to the Senate, which will have to act quickly to keep the government open. The House vote was 286 to 134, with […]

US Congress scrambles to pass $1.2 trillion spending bill ahead of shutdown deadline

By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives and Democratic-majority Senate on Friday will scramble to beat a midnight government shutdown deadline by passing a $1.2 trillion bill keeping the government funded through September. If they succeed, it will end a more-than-six-month battle over the scope of Washington’s spending for the […]

Spending package introduced in bid to avoid partial US government shutdown

Politicians introduced a 1.2 trillion US dollar spending package that sets the stage for avoiding a partial government shutdown for several key federal agencies this weekend and allows Congress, nearly six months into the budget year, to complete its work in funding the government through September. Democrats were largely able to knock back scores of […]

Congressional Leaders Strike Deal on Final Spending Bill Before Shutdown

WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders said Tuesday morning that they had reached an agreement on the final package of spending legislation to fund the federal government through the fall, though it was unclear whether they would be able to pass it in time to avert a brief partial shutdown over the weekend. House Republicans, Senate Democrats […]

US Congress struggling to reach spending deal to avert weekend shutdown

By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A fractured U.S. Congress struggled behind the scenes on Wednesday to produce a massive spending bill to fund defense, homeland security and other programs that lawmakers must pass before the weekend to avert a partial government shutdown. Republican House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson and other House Republican leaders […]

Senate sends six-bill funding package to Biden, averting shutdown

The Senate cleared a six-bill funding package Friday night, sending the $459 billion measure to President Joe Biden’s desk just in time to thwart a partial government shutdown after midnight. The upper chamber passed the measure 75-22 following votes on a handful of Republican amendments that failed on the floor. The bill takes care of […]

US Senate poised to pass spending package, averting government shutdown

By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate is expected to give Congress’ final approval on Friday of legislation funding several federal agencies through September, averting a partial government shutdown that otherwise would begin at midnight. The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed by a vote of 339-85 the package of fiscal 2024 appropriations […]